What are the different types of Soil in Iowa?

Soil is important in the agriculture industry. In the United States and Iowa has been blessed with these. Here are some great facts about the 4 different types of soil found in Iowa:




These are young soils that lack in layers. It is common in watersheds, sloping mountain regions, forest, and recreational areas. This accounts for 17% of the world’s land masses – 10% of which in the US depend on it for food production.




This type of soil is commonly found at the southeastern, northeastern, and south central of Iowa. These are fertile soils that are formed at the forest. At about 18% of the people in the world rely on these soils for nourishment.


Alfisols cover 13.9% of the U.S’s land mass – according to Idaho University. These have layers of clay as subsurface. In places where the climate is humid, you can find Udalfs – the suborder of Alfisol in Iowa.




These soils blanket most of Iowa’s landmass. The mollisols of Iowa has 2 suborders. Udolls in the western and central eastern state and Aquolls in central Iowa. They account for 21% of the U.S soil and 7% of the world’s soil. These soils are extremely expendable in agricultural purposes. Mollisols are fertile soils that are accountable for the grasslands of America’s prairies. It is topped with a deep layer of organic material.




These type of soil contains all young soils that do not qualify for addition in the 11 other classifications of soil. They have covered about 12% of the U.S land mass and 16% of the world. This includes the major river valleys with a large population. Fluvent and Orthents are Entisols suborders. Fluvents are found in floodplains while Orthents does not fit with another suborder.


These are just some of the few facts about the different type of soils in Iowa. Isn’t great to know about them! Hopefully, this article has added information to you about the wonderful things about Iowa!


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