How to Find Local Organic Gardening Groups

Organic GardeningIf you’re a beginner organic gardener, one of the best ways to pick up tricks of the trade is to connect with other organic gardeners who have been at it for a while. Below are some tips for connecting with other organic gardeners and local organic gardening groups.

1. Check out social media

In today’s digital world, you can always count on social media to help you connect with groups of people who share your interests. By searching for the terms “organic gardening groups” on Facebook or Twitter, you’re sure to find local groups in your area that enjoy swapping ideas.

Whether you’re interested in helping others or adding more ideas to your organic gardening arsenal, be sure to do a search on social media before you give up.

2. Become a member of your local organic association

Your state should have its own organic association that focuses on promoting organic gardening, research, education, promotion, marketing, and policy. Though the organization itself focuses on helping the public find organic food and farms, it can also help you connect with other organic gardeners who are members.

Be willing to swap contact information with those you see at meetings or start your own organic gardening group as a result. The more time you spend connecting with other organic gardeners, the more likely you are to start your own group of friends. Spending time with the members of your local organic association will provide you with multiple opportunities to learn how to improve your own organic garden.

3. Go to farmer’s markets

Attending your community’s local farmer’s market is a fabulous way to connect with fellow organic gardeners. While you’re browsing the local organic produce stand, be sure to ask the merchant if they’re a member of any organic gardening groups. As someone who is clearly invested in organic gardening, chances are this person will know about or be a member of one or more groups.

If the people at your local farmer’s markets aren’t currently members of a local organic gardening group, don’t be afraid to start your own. Introduce yourself and let them know that you’re open to the idea of starting your own group, even if it’s an informal one. This will get your name out there for others in the future to find.

4. Take an organic gardening class

Even if you’re an organic gardener with some experience, there’s no harm in taking a local organic gardening class. Not only will taking a class allow you to learn some things about organic gardening you may not have known, but you’ll most likely receive information from your teacher or fellow students about local groups and resources that you can connect with.

Organic gardening is such a rewarding hobby that it should be shared. If you’re looking for other organic gardeners in your local community, be open to finding people through social media, your local organic association, farmer’s markets, and organic gardening classes. By following up with these tips, you’ll find other organic garden enthusiasts in no time!


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