Seven Helpful Tips for First-Time Gardeners


Growing and harvesting your own organic garden can be one of the most rewarding hobbies. Not only are you reaping the benefits of your time and hard work, but you’re also feeding your family with wholesome, fresh food.

If you’re considering starting a garden for the first time, here are some helpful tips that will make establishing your new garden a breeze!

  1. Start off slow. It’s easy to get excited about all the delicious veggies and herbs you want your garden to produce, but it’s important to remember to not go too big in the beginning. Remember that nothing worthwhile is created overnight. Start with a couple raised beds during the first season and slowly add to the number each year. This will ensure that both you and your garden will be happy with the results.
  2. Use your creativity. When building raised beds, consider your options. If you have a decent quarry in your area or already have stones on your property, consider building your raised beds with stones. They will fill up with the sun’s rays during the day, keeping your plant warm at night. You’ll also avoid the hassle and worry of rotting wood.
  3. Cater to your geographic location. If you live in a hot, humid location, be sure to grow your garden in the shady spot of your yard. If you live in an area with short, mild seasons, be sure to expose your garden to as much sun as possible by placing it in the sunniest location.
  4. Create a barrier against weeds and critters. If you come across unwanted weeds in your garden, remove them and place cardboard over the area. This will prevent their return. If you’re seeing evidence of animals visiting at night to eat all of your beautiful plants, be sure to use chicken wire or a short picket fence to deter them.
  5. Fill your soil with good stuff now. Taking the time now to invest in your soil will benefit you in the long run. Put your compost pile to good use by filling your beds with it. If you don’t compost, be sure to find a good local source of rich bulk compost in your area.
  6. Avoid starting with seeds the first year. Learning to garden takes time and practice. With all of the other tasks you’ll have on your to-do list, it will be easier to start with the plants that professionals have started for you. This way you can devote most of your time to maintenance. Save the seedlings for when you feel you have a good handle on your gardening routine.
  7. Make it fun! Gardening should never feel like a burden. If you’re someone who isn’t ready to learn something new or your too busy to devote time to your garden, try to wait for your daily life to slow down just a little. Gardening is about getting fresh air, delicious fresh food, and finding the best ways to care for your plants.

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