Organic Lawn Fertilizers

organic lawn fertilizers


Homeowners appreciate a decent, thick and green lawn. However, they all do not want to pollute their yards with chemical fertilizers that are also detrimental to the environment. Hence, the current radical campaign for organic lawn care. This is a lawn care system that relies on fertilizers made from natural nutrients like; dried blood, bone meal, kelp and dehydrated manure. But, they also have negative effects when over applied or used incorrectly.

Lawn fertilizer options and their effects

Organic fertilizers

This is a slower and lower approach to fertilization option. It is preferred because its natural content must break down so that nutrients can be released in a light form that grass roots can easily absorb. The nutrients’ break down is gradual. This means that that grass roots feeding process is longer and slower as compared to chemical fertilization. During spring when the rains increase and the soil warms, organic fertilizer breaks down faster. This is a time when grass is growing faster and its need for fertilization increases. The break down that is triggered by a change in climatic conditions correlates with time when your lawn needs nutrients most. When summer comes, soil microbe activity reduces in heat and drought. Thus, the lawn grows slowly, and its nutrient demand reduces as well. These same effects affect the organic fertilizers; their breakdown slows down.

Slow-release nitrogen fertilizers

This is a new lawn fertilizing option that contains time release nitrogen or slow release nitrogen. This type of fertilization offers the same benefits offered by organic lawn fertilization. The nitrogen is released slowly in the lawn as the fertilizer nutrients break down. Different types of slow-releasing nitrogen are used to make this type of fertilizers. Different amounts are mixed with standard nitrogen sources to control how much nitrogen is released and at what rate.

This type of fertilizer discharges the nitrogen over 12 weeks or more. This gradual nitrogen release eliminates unwanted surges in grass growth, reduces runoff since less fertilizing materials are applied and regulates fertilizer application to twice per year. Also, there is yet another new fertilizer type to the market that is high in slow releasing nitrogen and is phosphate free. It was introduced to cater for homeowners who want to enjoy the benefits of organic fertilizers, yet their lawns are high in phosphorous.

Performance difference

Though good and environmentally friendly organic fertilizers are shunned by many because they do not offer thick and green lawns like chemical fertilizers. Thus, homeowners who are looking to have a beautiful, thick, lush and green lawn are advised to use synthetic fertilizers that contain slow releasing nitrogen technology since it is environmentally friendly. However, it should be used sparingly or twice a year as above captioned to avoid having harsh environmental and soil effects.

A green and beautiful lawn is every homeowner’s dream. However, it all starts with how you take care of your lawn and the type of fertilizer you apply. Organic fertilizers may not offer as many benefits as synthetic fertilizers, but they are the best if you want to maintain beneficial insects, pets and wildlife around you.


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