Home-Grown Fertilizer Tea


Love to grow in your garden? But do not know how to make organic gardening practical. “It is not difficult”, suggest gardeners, rather “it is easy enough to grow plants and vegetables in your garden”. Even people can grow tisanes, teas, and other common plants in the same way.

Organic gardening means that you do not have to apply all the formal rulings like pesticides and synthetic fertilizers to grow your small or large harvest at home. Instead, you can grow them perfectly fine by using certain tools and tips to ward off bugs or pests.
Plants can be divided into five distinct sections. The divide is on the basis of their utility in making tea: leaves, fruits, seeds, roots, and flowers.

Tea from leaves

Making tea with leaves makes Camellias the most popular leaves among all organic gardening options. Camellia makes maximum variety in tea like black, white, green and oolong. You can grow it in a pot as well as in a furrow to become a tree. To brew the tea, you will heat up its leaves, filter through cold water, leave them to get dry and crispy, crush them in a sealed container. While you can also add its flowers to enhance flavor separately. To make green tea, you can use budding leaves growing in the spring season.

Tea from seeds

Coriander or Cilantro is the seed gained from a tiny flowering shrub. It’s another great option for organic gardening. It grows best in the season of spring but flowers in summer. It can be grown in both pots and gardens easily. After harvesting the leaves, you can place them in dry, dark and warm place to dry and wait to see them brown. Later you can have the crushed seeds available in your container. While making the tea bag you can add a pinch of leaves as well to boost flavor.

Tea from fruits

With the help of fruits like Rose hips, you can make a great tea for organic gardening. These bulblike rose flowers are used without utilizing their heads. To grow rose hips tea, you will have to dig a bigger place or a pot than the usual. They require sunny and luminous places to grow. While harvesting, you will only pick the bright and colored hips and remove the hair before brewing. Chop, dry, store and use the unimaginable flavor of your home-grown fertilized tea.

Tea from flowers

Another delicious tea flavor comes from the lavender flower. The flower can be grown easily by availing a sapling from the nursery in the ground or pot. However, it is too sensitive to overwater it. Pick the flowers, dry, chop, store in a dry cupboard and enjoy the taste and unique aroma.

Tea from roots

Echinaceas or purple coneflower is endowed to provide mouth-watering taste. Being tall in height, the plant requires being supported well if placed in a pot. The roots can be used for three years. After which you can use them by drying, chopping and storing in a dry place.
Organic gardening does not require you to have a backyard or huge garden rather you can grow your tea and tisanes even in pots. You can place them in your balcony or bright window ceiling. Organic gardening has all the tips and tools to help you have your own home-grown fertilizer tea without worrying too much about pests and bugs.

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