5 Ways to Protect your Plants For Storm

Storms, thunder, and other natural calamities are inevitable. Here are a few ideas that may be helpful to you as you don’t want to lose your beautiful plantings as it take a lot of work and money to replace them.


At these times, our plants won’t be able to protect themselves. Check out below on how you can protect your plants for natural occurrences such as a storm with this list below:



Use overturned pots, buckets, bowls, and other large-sized containers as covering for your smaller plants. These will help them from rain and wind damages. Make sure that you use something to weigh down your coverings so it stays in place.


Row Coverings

Use some frost blanket or heavy row coverings to provide protection to your plant’s rows and beds during the storm. See to it that the coverings are weighted tightly so that it won’t be easily removed by strong winds.


Cover the Roots

Mulch is a great way to protect your plant’s roots. It is a simple but effective method to secure your plant’s root are not easily damaged by frost during the cold winter and heavy rain. Spread at least 3 inches layer deep of mulch above your plant’s soil.



Strong fabrics like burlap can help protect the trunks of your newly planted trees from damaging elements during storms. If you are to wrap a large plant, shrubs, and vines – you may warp them loosely with burlap and tie it with heavy twine. Use stakes for frames where it is necessary.


Anchor Down

During a driving storm with strong winds – your newly planted trees and shrubs will take a lot of damage. Protect them by using a 2 to 3 feet stake anchor that is buried 20 inches below the ground. The stakes must be angled away from the plant before fastening the twines into the plant and attached to it. Just make sure to keep it loose enough for the trunks to bend with the wind.


Additional Tips

– If you have grains, vegetables, and fruit plants, stay tuned with the weather forecast to know immediately about incoming storms. Make sure to harvest mature crops as fast as you can before the comes.

– Relocate hanging plants and small container plants if possible. If it’s too heavy to move, make sure to use coverings to protect them.

– Always stay tuned with the weather forecast and set action immediately once an incoming storm is announced. Don’t wait until the hurricane or tornado is at your doorstep. You will just get yourself in danger.

– You can remove all your plant’s protective gears once the storm has passed. Just make sure to be updated at all times.



Your plant’s protection is your responsibility. Natural calamities may happen even during the summer season. Just like what happened lately in South Central Nebraska. They were shocked by the flood, severe weather, and tornadoes. At this kind of time, an early set up of protection for your plants may help them get through it.



Hopefully, this has given you ideas on how you can effectively protect your plants before and during unlikely weather. Protect them at the first sign of a calamity.


Protecting is part of taking care of them.

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