Gardening During Winter, Is This Possible?

Is it possible to perform gardening during winter time?


This sounds absurd, especially for someone imagining snow covering the garden soil. But is gardening during winter truly out of the ordinary?


Tips on How You Can Still Garden During the Winter Season


Of course, there are certain limitations with regards to the types of vegetables you can plant during winter. But it doesn’t mean it cannot be done. Here are some tips you may follow so you can still enjoy gardening this winter.


Preparing the frame of your garden


While others are cozy lying inside their homes, you may take advantage of this opportunity to improve your garden’s bones (frame). Add some new paths and beds so this will be ready after winter time.


To do this, choose what type of surface you wish to have. Will it be a:


  • Slate
  • Bluestone
  • Brick
  • Pea Gravel
  • Hardwood


Decide on your choice then begin marking the area where you plan to create these beds with a string. Dig the desired length and width of your garden bed. Add sand, stone, and brick to serve as its trench and you are done. You may leave it as it will flatten out by March, leaving you with an earlier start to plant your favorite crops.


Preparing your seed for germination


Starting your garden with seeds are a whole lot cheaper than buying seedlings. Thus, start this winter by preparing your seedlings inside your house. How is it done?


Begin by finding clean containers such as a deep ice cube tray, egg crate, or seed starter. Fill this with uncontaminated growing medium. However, ensure it has good drainage. Thus, punch holes to these containers as needed.


Choose the seeds you wish to plant such as celery, leek, cabbage, and broccoli. For a guide, read this.


Follow the directions accordingly. Regularly check on its soil to see if it remains moist but not sopping wet. If it requires sunlight, then place it a warm sunny spot while not forgetting to turn it often to avoid its stems from growing straight.


If you see for or more leaves appearing on your seedlings, it is best to add some fertilizer to it.


Create a Recycled Cloche for Your Garden


You will need a cloche for your garden after winter. Why not make the most of winter by making several of these, especially since it can be made even from used gallons of water.


You may cut these into a half then insert a stake at the to keep it in place. For better use, choose organic plant markers so you can even label these plants to know what vegetables you are taking care of.

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