5 Benefits of Having a Neighborhood Garden

In Cedar Rapids, IA there is a neighborhood known as “Mound View” where organic gardeners gather to make amazing things happen.

Known as the Mound View Neighborhood Garden, this collaborative garden is a place where community grows, literally.

The neighborhood garden is located on B Avenue NE and is a space where several neighbors gather to tend to its needs. From seasonal clean-up to growing tomatoes, beans, squash, and other vegetables, this neighborhood garden is the perfect place for people to enjoy working with nature and their neighbors.

Mound View Neighborhood inhabitants enjoy working in the garden because it offers healthy, wholesome foods throughout the growing season but also because it represents the spirit of community.

Neighbors can gather there to share ideas about the upcoming season, discuss vegetable varieties, and share gardening tips and tricks they’ve picked up over the years.

At MCG BioMarkers®, we firmly believe in being an active part of the community. In fact, one of our most popular products represents that very notion. They use our plant markers for identifying the various vegetables. The markers are made with our proprietary blend of recycled plastics and corn cob fibers, a biomass which is renewable and sustainable, and added on average of 20%. The corn cob or biomass is an agriculture waste by-product, which means a lower carbon footprint. In addition to working with others in your community to grow healthy, organic vegetable, think of how good it would feel to support the earth!

Having a neighborhood garden is beneficial in so many ways. Let’s look at 5 reasons to have one in your neighborhood!

1.You’ll eat more veggies

A community garden is one of the most powerful tools we can use to help build for our neighbors and families. Not only does a community garden help sustain our community, but it also encourages healthier habits.

Once you get out there and enjoy the sun (and hard work) you’ll develop a stronger craving for fresh fruits and vegetables. Before you know it, you’ll be healthier than when you started!

2.Gardens promote relaxation

It’s a scientific fact that people enjoy using their hands to create something, which includes gardening. Once you’re out there tending to your fruits and vegetables, you’ll find the repetitive use of your hands to be relaxing and stress reducing.

3.Creates healthy, local food

Your Cedar Rapids neighborhood garden might start off as something you plan to share only with the people on your block, but you’ll be surprised by how quickly it will grow.

With all the people tending to the garden, the vegetables are likely to do very well, which means yields will become impressive, especially when the soil reaches optimal condition.

All the extra fruits and veggies can be donated to food pantries, made into jellies, jams, or canned for food markets, and more.


4.Encourages physical activity

In today’s modern world, it’s common for many of us to avoid exercise. The truth is we should all commit to a certain amount of physical activity each day and strive to spend time outside in the sunshine.

Gardening can be quite demanding, especially during pruning, picking, and tilling. When you first start working in the community garden you might be sore, but your muscles will develop!

5.Teaches children positive eating habits

With a neighborhood garden such as Mound View, residents are encouraged to eat healthier simply by working in the garden, but so are kids!

Your children will see you working and tending to the community garden and will want to tag along. Bring them with you to the garden and teach them how to do simple tasks they can handle depending on their age.

This will teach them healthy and positive eating habits that will last a lifetime!

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