The Advantages of an Office Garden to Your Workplace

Gardening is something your employees don’t need to wait until their retirement day. This is one office features that more and more companies are implementing in their place. They are encouraging their employees to work on their green thumbs even on work site.


Companies now are converting their traditional office spaces into a more natural set up. Where a garden landscape is included. Roofs are even converted to let utilize natural light from the sun. This foster a stronger sense of happiness to their employees which results in better employee engagement.


Here are the advantages that your company can have from including an office garden to your workplace:


Engaging in a natural way


Natural space encourages brain recharging and helps employees to restart their focus on their tasks. Attention is activated without any effort. You can try building a rooftop garden where your employees can visit it (if the rooftop is available). Strategically and professionally designed landscapes also have equal effect for workplaces located on the grounds. Parklands or vertical gardens can be your options.


Plants help ease colds


Putting up office gardens in your spaces do not only enhance your employee’s productivity but it also promotes good health. We all know how plants can ease colds through their air-purifying powers. Indoor plants such as Aloe Vera, Spider Plant, Rubber Plant, and English Ivy can do the trick.


Indoor plants are most applicable to offices that lack space to convert. They can still help you create a close to nature scene into your workplace. Often times, offices which do not have lawns to convert use water fountains. The sounds of nature can also help in bringing the outdoors to your indoor.


Air toxins are reduced in your office and help lessen the fatigue of your employees by 87%. It can also boost their productivity as much as 30%. So cough and colds instances are reduced in your employees.


Promotes Green in the City


This gardens that are popping out of the city offices are called corporate gardens. Gardens that are included in the offices are promoting a green concept in the city. Typically, when a city is a topic, it’s more of the busy lights, cars here and there, and busy people. But with an office garden, you have a way to become green even in the city.


You can even turn your office garden to a vegetable garden that can be beneficial to your employees. You can also use the harvests to help the less fortunate. All your employees can participate in this activity.



These are just a few of the advantages that you can gain from an office garden placed at your workplace. You shall see positive results in no time with an indoor or outdoor garden. These advantages may look simple but try converting your work-space to see and experience its magic.


Have a blessed and wonderful day!

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