Benefits of A Community Garden to Our Environment and Neighborhood

Public Gardens Week has just passed. But raising awareness towards the promotion of community garden should not stop there. We should do it regularly as it brings several benefits not only to our environment but also to our neighborhood.


Why a community garden?


A garden is not just a resting spot or an additional beautification on our surroundings. There are far more things a garden can offer us. It is beneficial to our environment and to our neighborhood too. Read on and you’ll know the many benefits of a community garden in our lives.


We all know that a community garden has great impacts when it comes to our environment. Some of that is:


  • It reduces the carbon footprint
  • It reduces noise pollution
  • It reduces energy costs
  • It reduces pollution
  • It gives cleaner groundwater
  • It reduces erosion


Environmentally friendly right! but do you know that a community garden can also help the well-being and health of the members of the community?


Yes, it can!


It can support the less fortunate areas and give the residents the chance to have more nutritious foods. It leads to a healthier lifestyle. With the contribution of each member, community ties are also strengthened. Humans, animals, and plants can all benefit from it.


Before, a garden is there to support food for a family but now it can also support a whole community. That is why community gardens are encouraged by many cities and organizations. Here are some of the benefits we can have from a community garden.


  • It can reduce community waste by composting
  • It can help improve the air and soil condition
  • It increases the biodiversity of the ecosystem


Malnutrition and obesity due to lack of access to proper foods is a challenge faced by low-income communities. This is a great area where community gardens can help. Here’s how:


  • It can improve food security
  • It reduces the risks of obesity due to unhealthy foods
  • It can increase physical health with gardening activities
  • It raises the intake of vegetables and fruits
  • It gives easy access to fresh and healthier foods
  • It promotes relaxation and healthier mental health


Community gardens can also impact social community ties. Through garden activities, neighborhood members get the chance to meet each other a little deeper. It promotes greater feeling around the community.


These are just a few of the things a community garden can help and develop a neighborhood. Hopefully, these have shown you the significance of a community garden in your area. If you want to build one for your neighborhood, let us help you.

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