MCG BioMarkers®: Certified Veteran Owned Small Business

If you are loving the eco-friendly plant markers and labels of MCG BioMarkers®, then you’ll love it even more after realizing that you are also helping a veteran owned small business.


Yes! You have read it right. MCG Biomarkers, which is owned and operated by MCG BioComposites LLC, is a veteran owned small business established by Sam McCord in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 2007. It specializes in the development and commercialization of alternative materials, such as BioComposites resins. This is a blend of natural fibers reclaimed from biomass waste and reclaimed post-industrial resins.


What does it mean to be a Veteran Owned Small Business?


To be a veteran owned small business, you must be the owners of 51% of the company. Moreover, it requires the veteran to be responsible for the daily operations and management of the business.


What are the benefits of a Veteran Owned Small Business?


Those who pass these requirements can bid on government contracts as well as:


  • Start-up support
  • Improved access to capital
  • Potential tax relief
  • License to display the VOSB logo


Why help a Veteran Owned Small Business?


We all know how these veterans defended the nation’s freedom and prosperity. They have even risked their lives, just to ensure the safety of the nation and the future of its generations. Today, they are still helping the nurture the economy of the US. It may not be via their military tactics in the field of battle but in the world of entrepreneurship.


At present, there is an estimated 2.5 million veteran owned business in the US. This produces over $1.2 trillion in annual sales and employs close to 6 million people.


Why choose MCG BioMarkers?


MCG BioMarkers® have their product development and testing by Green Dot Bioplastics in Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. This ensures the quality of BioComposites materials and biomass fibers used in its markers and labels.


It is proudly made in the USA and is the preferred label of choice of the following organizations:


  • American Public Gardens Association
  • American Hemerocallis Society
  • American Horticultural Society
  • American Hosta Society
  • Harshbarger Hosta Society
  • American Iris Society
  • American Peony Society
  • United States Lavender Growers Association


Call us at (319) 378-0077 for any of your queries and concerns. This includes technical support for any Green Initiatives you wish to implement in your business.

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