Indoor Organic Gardening


There are numerous organic gardening enthusiasts who are restricted by the fact that they lack an outdoor gardening space. However, most gardening lovers do not know or understand how to practice fulfilling indoor organic gardening. Most apartment owners believe that they cannot practice organic gardening. This is a far-fetched belief. Here are some far-fetched ideas about how to grow organic plants indoors.

Container gardening

Most vegetables can thrive in containers, hanging baskets and pots. This includes herbs and flowers that purify and enhance your interior décor. The secret is matching vegetables and herbs with the right sized pots or containers. The larger a plant gets at maturity, the larger the container or pot you will need. You can source organic potting soil at any reliable garden center. Start by determining how much soil you will need for your vegetables and make your purchase. Also, consider purchasing packaged compost to boost your soil’s nutrient value before planting. Purchase healthy and strong seedlings and plants that are native to your region for the best produce.

Indoor organic gardening tips

Before planting your vegetables and herbs in a container, leave the seedlings in front of a sunny window for two days. You may argue that the sun will damage the seedlings, but it allows the plants to adapt to their new environment.

Transferring vegetables to indoor containers

All seedlings should be planted individually in pots or containers filled with organic potting soil rich in nutrients. Plant the seedlings at least one inch under the soil. The roots should be deep enough to take in nutrients from the soil. The indoor gardening pot or container should be at least 8 inches in diameter. However, some vegetables like lettuce can be planted in any container. Set your container near a south facing window and water when the soil dries.


Herbs are like rosemary, basil, thyme, and oregano is common and can easily thrive in indoor container gardens. They can be planted together in a single container that should be wide enough to provide each plant with adequate growth space. However, chives should be grown in a separate pot and placed near a window. Herbs should be grown near a window where there are enough light and warmth for maximum growth.

Indoor organic gardening can be fun because it provides you with the best and fresh vegetables and herbs. Moreover, you get to enjoy organic gardening, understand how it is carried out indoors and best of all, enjoy its benefits. The taste of fresh and healthy vegetables and herbs is priceless. You grow herbs and vegetables indoors all year round. However, be sure to keep the soil moist until the plants reach maturity. This ensures that they remain well-hydrated and able to take in nutrients. Depending on the size, containers should have no more than five plants. Smaller containers should have three plants. The spacing ensures that the plants get enough nutrients and become strong as they mature. So, you harvest healthy, nutrient rich and fresh herbs or vegetables.

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