Ideas For an Organic Container Garden


Do you love fresh vegetables among other organic garden produce? Are you concerned about the quality of vegetables and herbs you get from your local grocery store? If yes, you should consider organic gardening at home. Creating a small kitchen garden is quite easy but requires dedication. You must be ready to till often, water daily and weed severely before you enjoy the actual results. But, you may be having limited gardening space, yet you want to enjoy your vegetables or herbs. In this case, your ideal option would be container gardening. But what do you use to create container gardens? Below are your answers.

Filing cabinet

You come across disposed cabinets often, but you have never thought of recycling them in this perspective. Well, they can make good container gardens where you can grow vegetables and herbs. The idea is to get a cabinet with no dents and with a flat bottom. Add wheels and paint it your favorite garden or landscape color. An empty cabinet is heavy and is ten times heavier when containing moist soil. That is why you need the wheels to move the cabinet garden.

Metal tub

A metal tub garden is similar to a filing cabinet garden, but it does not require wheels. But since it is metal, it can heat up fast and dehydrate your plants. So, never leave the metal tub garden under the hot sun without watering it adequately. It would be wise to position it under a shade but where it can get enough sun rays. You preserve moisture and plants enjoy direct sunlight required for growth.

Cinder block vertical planter

There are many in which you can position cinder block to create a tiny organic garden. But, we are focusing on a vertical style. Buy both single and dual blocks as many as you need. You decide the size of your cinder block garden. Just be careful with stability and weight because you will add soil. You will need metal flashing rectangles, caulking gun and landscape adhesive. These supplies are used to seal one open side of the blocks so that they can hold soil and plants. Use the adhesive to hold blocks together when creating your garden.

Trellis Planter

Here, you will need the little pots that are mainly found in utensils stores. They have hooks that you can hang on an ordinary trellis. You get a simple but effective garden. You can plant a different vegetable or herbs on each pot to boost your variety. They are easy to maintain, water and monitor.
Unlike regular gardening, you can never go wrong with organic container gardening. This is because you choose the right soil for the plants you will be growing. Moreover, you get to experiment with a wide range of plants that can grow in containers. Plants with shorter roots are best for container gardening. This does not mean that other plants types you would not thrive, you just need to create adequate space for the roots.

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