Ecologically Sound Gardening Choices


ecologically sound

The front yard is your home’s focal point and the first delineation of your personality and taste. Therefore, with the current global urgency to embrace green living standards, it would imply ignorance if you failed to have ecologically sound front and back yard choices. The front yard should lead you to the backyard flawlessly hence the need for uniformity and complementing landscape choices.

Ecologically sound landscaping choices enhance and maintain your landscape with an aim of saving money, energy, resources and time. Eco-friendly front and back yards offer a healthy recreational spots that are free of soil, water and air pollutants.

Tips to Make Ecologically Sound Front and Back Yard Gardening Choices

Eco-friendly gardening is determined by your surroundings, gardening desires, and personal interests. Ecologically sound gardens are defined by components such as; plant choices, soil type, maintenance, hardscape, and design.

Plant Choices

Native plants: plants are the core part of green gardening. Native plants are plants that are naturally adapted to your regional environment and growth conditions. Such plants offer easy gardening solutions because they need fewer and less expensive resources to maintain. Moreover, they offer habitats for native insects and birds among other wildlife.

However, you may also incorporate a few non-native plant species because of their aesthetic properties and they enhance your eco-friendly yards. For non-natives, focus on resilient and tough drought resistant plant species that have wildlife value. This includes; green shrubs that offer nesting sites for birds. Additionally, you should plant a wide variety of flowers that blossom in different seasons to ensure continuous nectar for pollination.

Avoiding chemicals: chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides not only damage the soil but also pollute the air and repel wildlife. However, it is advisable to first test your soil especially if you plan to have a food garden. Producing fresh food at home is part of going green. If the soil needs nutrients, add compost and organic materials to boost its quality and nurture healthy plants. Avoid nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers because they can burn lawns if used in excess.

Planting more trees: trees clean the air through releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. Moreover, if they are strategically placed, they offer shade during sunny days and lower the use of air conditioners during hot days.

Irrigation: because ecologically sound front and back yards emphasize on drought-resistant plant species, the need for irrigation is minimal as compared to modern landscape choices. However, even the most drought-resistant species require water to survive before they get established. Go for water efficient irrigation systems such as; drip irrigation systems. They water plants efficiently. If you prefer sprinklers, irrigate in the afternoons and when it’s less windy.

Master gardeners recommend implementation of ecologically sound gardens right from the designing stage. Thus, people are making gardening choices that reduce wastefulness and enhances a functional environment that is as natural as possible. Your yard can make all the difference and boost a green lifestyle that is in harmony with nature. Thus, whether you are starting your yard from scratch or revamping it, you can make ecologically-sound and sustainable choices.


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